Link Building Services For Dentists

Increase External Web Traffic Through Link Building

Guest Posting

Guest Posting

At The Dental SEO Experts, we have developed strong relationships with many excellent guest posting websites. This means we’re able to post articles about your practice across the web with backlinks to your website, increasing traffic and generating leads.

Boost Web Traffic

Boost Web Traffic

Building external links that send users to your website is an excellent way to increase traffic and online exposure. Our backlinking services put your dental practice in front of a relevant audience, helping you to increase customer conversion rates.

Internal Linking

Internal Linking

While browsing your website, there are many opportunities to direct potential customers to valuable areas, such as your contact page. At The Dental SEO Experts, we help identify these opportunities and guide your website visitors accordingly. This keeps users on your site longer.

Increase Domain Authority (1)

Increase Domain Authority

Link building helps increase your website's domain authority, meaning how specialist search engines view your site. Our backlinking services ensure that your practice’s website appears professional to search engines, boosting SERP rankings.

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What Is Link Building?

Link building is the process of creating external links that direct users to your website. This can be done in many ways, such as guest posting and social media marketing. Link building is an important part of any digital marketing strategy as it helps to increase web traffic and online exposure for your dental practice.
hands typing on computer keyboard
The word SEO written on wooden letter blocks,

How Does Link
Building Affect SEO?

Link building is a key factor in how specialist search engines rank websites. The more high-quality links that point to your website, the higher your website will appear in SERP rankings. This means that backlinking can significantly impact your dental practice’s SEO strategy.

What Are The Benefits Of Link Building?

There are many benefits of link building, such as:
  • ●  Increasing web traffic
  • ●  Boosting online exposure
  • ●  Improving SERP rankings
  • ●  Enhancing domain authority
  • ●  Generating leads and customers
  • Close up of hands typing on laptop

    How Long Does It Take To See Results from Dental Link Building?

    The results of a link building campaign can take several months to materialize. However, the long-term benefits of backlinking make it an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

    What Are The Risks Of Link Building?

    There are a few risks associated with link building, such as:

    Links being removed – If links are removed from websites, it can negatively impact your SEO strategy.

    Google penalties – If you use black hat techniques to build links, you could be subject to penalties. This could result in your website being removed from SERP rankings.

    Link quality – If you build links with low-quality websites, it could damage your website’s reputation.

    At The Dental SEO Experts, we take careful precautions to avoid these risks, ensuring your website gains maximum exposure and a high SERP ranking.

    Get Started

    How Can I Get Started With Link Building Campaigns?

    If you’re interested in link building for your dental practice, the first step is to develop a digital marketing strategy. This will involve identifying your goals and objectives, as well as your target audience. Once you have a clear understanding of your dental practice’s needs, you can start to build links with high-quality websites.

    If you’re not sure where to start, The Dental SEO Experts team can help. We’re experienced in link building and can create a bespoke digital marketing strategy for your dental practice. Contact us today to find out more.
    Audience Building

    Why Reaching Out to a Link Building Company Matters?

    There are two significant types of search engine optimization: on-page and off-page. On-page SEO refers to all considerations made internally for your dental website. Whereas off-page denotes any SEO enhancement made external, i.e., through another website. Link building is a primary method of off-page SEO used to direct relevant traffic from one site to another. It is an essential part of any comprehensive SEO marketing strategy and should not be overlooked. As a result, if you want to grow your dental practice’s online presence, hiring a link-building company is crucial.

    Why Choose The Dental SEO Experts as Your Link Building Agency?

    At The Dental SEO Experts, we have a team of digital marketing and SEO specialists with access to an extensive network of guest post websites. What’s more, we also have a dedicated team of writers at our disposal. This means that we can create keyword-rich articles that direct web users to your practice’s website, and distribute them to various online blogs.

    Link Building Techniques For Dental Offices

    Guest Posting

    Guest Posting

    Guest post link building is where our team reaches out to our network of blog owners and distributes relevant content. This helps increase external web traffic driven to your practice’s website. Not only does this improve your site’s number of visitors, but it also helps to increase your domain authority.

    Boost Web Traffic

    Resource Building

    Resource link building is where your dental website is listed as a valuable resource on another site. For example, it could be featured on a list of top dental practices or used as a citation. We ensure your website is populated with valuable content, positioned perfectly for these uses.

    Internal Linking

    Broken Link Building

    Broken link building involves crawling relevant websites for links that no longer work. We then reach out to the website’s owner and offer a replacement link for their broken link(s), using the content featured on your practice’s site. This helps increase your online visibility and status as an authoritative source of information.

    Increase Domain Authority (1)

    Outreach Building

    As the name suggests, outreach link building is a process whereby our team reaches out to various websites and requests link placement. This is typically done through extensive email campaigns and data collection, making it an advanced SEO technique. When complete, your practice will have both a greater online presence and a relationship with many online blogs.

    Our Link Building Process


    Create Valuable Content

    First, our SEO specialists identify relevant keywords to target your website’s content. We then have our writers create keyword-rich articles and copy containing valuable information. This makes your website attractive to bloggers and external websites.

    Identify Appropriate Strategy

    After reviewing your dental practice site’s content, we assess its compatibility with our above-listed link-building strategies. For instance, if your site is populated with data-filled articles, we would employ a robust broken link-building campaign. Identifying an appropriate strategy increases your website’s chances of being referenced by other sites.

    Website Outreach and Placement

    Next, we reach out to our extensive network of blogs and website owner’s, and have your content placed or referenced. We work tirelessly to ensure your dental practice’s website is cited on as many relevant sites as possible, helping to maximize potential leads.

    Monitor Results

    Finally, we monitor the external traffic driven to your website and corroborate it with your content’s placement. Upon request, we provide you with reports and site audits so you can monitor the success of your link-building campaign.

    Why Does Domain Authority Matter?

    Link building helps to increase your website’s domain authority. Domain authority is important as it’s an indicator of the validity and usefulness of your website and its content. A low domain authority signals to search engines that your website does not have valuable content, meaning it’s not worth showing to web users.

    The higher your domain authority, the more likely your dental practice’s website is to rank high on search results. This is especially important when you consider that the top five results garner the majority of web traffic. As a result, link building and domain authority are two essential SEO considerations.

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    Link Building Services FAQs

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the length of a link building campaign will vary depending on the goals and objectives of the campaign. However, most link building campaigns will last for a period of several weeks or months in order to generate enough links to have a significant impact on your website’s search engine rankings.
    Yes, it is perfectly fine to get links from your clients. In fact, getting links from clients can be a great way to build up your link profile and improve your website’s search engine rankings. However, you should make sure that the links are high-quality and relevant to your website’s content in order to avoid any negative effects on your search engine rankings.
    There are a few different ways that you can contact bloggers who do not have their contact information listed on their blog. One way is to use a tool like BuzzSumo, which allows you to find the most popular blogs in your niche and then contact the authors of those blogs directly. Another way is to use a Google search operator like “” to find all of the pages on a given website, including the contact page. You can also try reaching out to the author on social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn.
    The ratio between followed and no-followed links is not as important as it once was, but it is still a good idea to maintain a healthy mix of both types of links. A followed link is a link that passes along “link juice” or ranking power to your website, while a no-followed link does not. Therefore, a followed link is generally more valuable than a no-followed link. However, it is still important to have some no-followed links in your link profile, as they can help to improve the diversity of your links and make your link profile look more natural to search engines.
    Press releases can be a good way to build links for a website, but they should be used sparingly and only for newsworthy events. If you use press releases too frequently or for non-newsworthy events, it will likely have a negative effect on your website’s search engine rankings.
    Yes, traditional link building techniques like directory submission and social bookmarking can still be effective if they are done correctly. However, it is important to note that these techniques should be used in moderation, as too many links from low-quality sources can actually hurt your website’s search engine rankings.
    No, we cannot guarantee that the links will stay live forever. The length of time that the links will stay live depends on a number of factors, such as the quality of the link and the authority of the website it is coming from.

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