How do I calculate my digital marketing budget?

Ideally, you need some historical data from your previous marketing efforts. This will allow you to take your total marketing spend and divide it by the number of leads generated, showing you the cost of each new customer. However, if your dental practice lacks this data, following the above steps is an excellent place to start.

Is it always best to go with the lowest-priced option?

No. Though cheaper options often appear cost-effective, they may not provide effectual results, making them a poor investment. However, the cost and method of digital marketing will vary depending on your desired results. For example, you may not need to run expensive PPC ads if you’re targeting a niche community.

Why should your dental practice invest in digital marketing?

Digital marketing is an excellent way to conduct targeted marketing and generate interested patient leads online. It’s a cost-effective and typically more fruitful method of marketing than traditional means.

What factors should be considered when creating a digital marketing budget?

You should account for your marketing goals, advertising platforms, existing operational costs, and how it fits into your marketing plan.


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