What is the goal of technical SEO?

Technical SEO aims to position your website to appease the technical ranking parameters set out by search engines, primarily Google. Ultimately, technical SEO shares the same primary goal as all marketing efforts: to drive traffic and leads.

Can you recommend some useful tools that can help me improve Technical SEO?

Optimizing image files is one of the simplest ways to improve technical SEO. This can be done through the free online tool, TinyPNG.com. After uploading your image files, it compresses them as much as possible without substantial quality losses.

How do I implement a schema if I don’t know how to code?

There are many free tools to help you create a schema markup. For example, TechnicalSEO.com offers an accessible schema markup generator. Once you’ve generated your schema markup, you can place it anywhere in your website’s HTML, footer, and header code.

Will these Technical SEO tasks get me a Google Penalty?

No. If done correctly, the above technical SEO techniques will not get you into trouble with Google and other search engines.

What is a crawler? How do I know if my website is crawled?

A crawler is a bot used by search engines that analyze the contents and metadata surrounding your website to help understand its purpose and category. Once it’s crawled, search engines can accurately present your site to the appropriate web users. To check if your site is indexed, enter site:[yourwebaddress/] into the URL bar. If your website appears, then it’s been indexed.

How can I check if my website is responsive on various mobile screens?

The easiest way to check your website’s mobile responsiveness is to view your site on your mobile. While there, check the scaling of images and the responsiveness of user input, i.e., button clicks. Alternatively, you can enable developer mode on your web browser and view your website in mobile view.


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